To change how we organise, we need each other: our ideas, our experiences, our learnings. This is where we get to share the stories that underpin the policies, processes and structures that fill the RadHR library…
Have you got a story to tell? Why not share it here, we can pay you… Find out more about sharing a story.
The importance – and challenge – of creating internal policies with those affected
Kat Hobbs reflects on over a decade of collective policy making experience and what it means to be the person leading the process of creating those policies, when you’re also deeply affected by them.
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An honest reflection on the inevitably slow and uncomfortable journey towards equity in a community organisation
Thoughts from Josephine Reichert, co-founder of Ort Gallery in Birmingham, about the sometimes painful (but ultimately rewarding) process of stepping back & making space.
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Contracts and covenants: The roles of radical policy in bigger and smaller organisations
This is part of an ongoing discussion we’re having about the roles of bigger voluntary organisations and charities using RadHR. It’s something we actually have some differing perspectives on within the team, and wanted to share them so that others could chime in. This is Liam’s view.
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Welcoming workplaces for working-class people
A blog by Tanya Hawkes. The classism across society and its structural violence towards those at the lower end of the class system is often out of our control. However, our organisations have the potential to be a space where some of the inequalities of the class system can be mitigated and the contribution of working-class knowledge and experience can be valued and appreciated.
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Experience-based policy writing
At People Support Co-op we’ve been working with several organisations to introduce a radical approach to policy writing, as developed by our associate member Kiri Langmead. We call this the experience-based policy writing process because it involves identifying positive and negative past experiences of group members to explore how to create a policy that works for everyone and avoids replicating patterns of harm.
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The story of RadHR so far…
It started with Liam and Rich, somewhere in mid-Wales, going on about how so many different types of progressive organisations they were involved with were trying to do the same thing—figure out how their internal systems could reflect the values they were trying to create in the wider world. And how it felt like a hopeless task, with everyone doing it separately, without the time or resources to really shift all the areas of their work within each of these organisations.
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Have you got a story to tell? Why not share it here, we can pay you… Find out more about sharing a story.