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1 – 50 of 63 policies

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Staff undertaking training courses or volunteering roles

Activist GroupCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

A policy aiming to support employees undertaking short courses and those of a longer duration such as certificates, diplomas or MAs that require intensive study. The policy also recognises that small organisation often have has limited resources. The policy also covers sabbaticals and extended voluntary work.


Shared parental leave

Activist GroupCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

A policy that aims to improve on the amount of time off and pay linked to statutory parental leave, which can be shared equally between parents.


Staff support & performance improvement procedure

Activist GroupCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

A policy to support staff who are struggling to meet the aims of their role, rather than treating under-performance as a disciplinary issue, like behavioural or ethical concerns. Acknowledging the ableism that is often implicit in disciplinary policies and offering comprehensive collective support for staff, with a recognition that disability,…


Co-op member / volunteer agreements

Co-opCommunity GroupSelf-managed / Flat

A plain-English policy to clarify the different roles held by volunteers and paid members within a youth work cooperative. Includes simple outline template agreements for volunteers and for cooperative members.


Paid work for co-operative members

Co-opCommunity GroupSelf-managed / Flat

A plain-English pay policy for a small youth work cooperative, in which pay is variable, depending on current organisational income levels. Aims to offer the flexibility of freelance work, while offering additional forms of support (like sick pay).


Equality and diversity

Co-opCommunity GroupSelf-managed / Flat

A plain-English youth work cooperative equality and diversity policy, which makes explicit the range of types of oppression that can play out amongst young people and the cooperative, as well as the ways in which those experiences are often reflections of wider social power dynamics. Outlines the responsibilities of both…


Member volunteer induction process

Activist GroupCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

A simple 1-page process guide to support a newer member to get involved in a particular working group within the organisation. It aims to provide clarity for members looking to get involved in a new part of the cooperative.


Conflict system

Activist GroupCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

Clear non-punitive steps for a small cooperative to take when a conflict has been raised between members. Includes steps that range from informal conversations to deciding to close the cooperative.


Pay review process

Activist GroupCo-opUnionMembershipSelf-managed / Flat

A detailed process and template guide for a mid-sized collectively-managed organisation, to review its current pay policy. It includes steps for identifying the scope of the review and the types of questions it will and won’t ask (including several specific ones which came up in this organisation), as well as…


Staff absence planning

Activist GroupCo-opUnionHierarchyMembership

A policy for a mid-sized organisation to identify individual and collective responsibilities for staff taking time off, in a way that both enables staff to take time away, and for it to avoid negatively impacting on staff who are still working. Includes link to a template for work handover planning.


Parent and carer staff support

Activist GroupUnionMembershipSelf-managed / Flat

A comprehensive collection of policies designed to support staff with parental or caring responsibilities. Includes: Wider political framing for the importance of this set of policies, Parental leave, Parental leave pay, Carer leave, Parent and carer pay subsidy, Flexible working for parents and carers, Paying for nursery deposits, Providing or…


Parental leave

Activist GroupCharityCo-opSelf-managed / Flat

This policy sets out employees’ entitlement to leave to care for children during the period until the child reaches 18 years old.


Non-punitive disciplinary procedure

Co-opSelf-managed / Flat

This is a non-punitive version of a disciplinary procedure, designed to encourage dialogue through structured opportunities to discuss and learn from mistakes. It has been written to follow the guidelines set out in the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, without the punishment-based approach of issuing warnings.

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