A policy which aims to create environments that prevent safeguarding issues from arising, and outlines how to respond to incidents if they occur. It applies to: children, adults at risk of harm, staff members, board members, and others.
This policy aims to clarify what types of bespoke work we will do (workshops or consultancy); how it will be decided (based on capacity and equity questions); and what we will charge for the work (sliding scales based on org income).
In recognition of the gravity of the climate emergency, the PTC will donate up to 6 days leave per year (pro rated depending on your working hours) to every employee to spend on direct action – e.g. attending or preparing for demonstrations or other related voluntary activity.
A handy adaptable exit process including items around support & organisational learning as well as practical, legal and technical concerns.
A policy that allows employees to take "protest leave" to participate in demonstrations or civil action related to major political issues, without it counting against their holiday or sick leave, as long as it doesn't interfere with time-critical projects and is approved by their manager.
A wage system based on Platform's policy, with important additions to pay adjustments for dependents (including children) and housing.
A policy challenging the ways in which discrimination against parents and carers is still the norm in most workplaces. Includes: maternity leave and pay; paternity / second parent leave & pay; shared parental leave & pay; and adoption leave & pay.
A values based policy aimed at supporting staff health and wellbeing based on years of adapting and learning to shape our practice which we have now formalised into a policy.