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A socially-just pay policy, including adjustments for: time worked; dependents; no recourse to public funds; experience of marginalisation; city living; and disability. It also includes adjustments for freelance pay; a process for implementation; an emergency pay system; and an emergency fund for workers.
Our rest policy acknowledges that due to structural inequalities in the cultural sector, not everyone experiences work in the same way. It offers up to three additional days of paid rest per year for staff members who experience inequality.
A radical approach to safeguarding that questions the definition of “vulnerable” and instead places all people we work with at the heart of the policy holistically. We propose a shared opportunity to use non-punitive procedures, ask for consent, offer a matrix to attempt to diffuse conflict or avoid involving external agencies and supporting both victim and perpetuator.
In recognition of the gravity of the climate emergency, the PTC will donate up to 6 days leave per year (pro rated depending on your working hours) to every employee to spend on direct action – e.g. attending or preparing for demonstrations or other related voluntary activity.
A policy that allows employees to take “protest leave” to participate in demonstrations or civil action related to major political issues, without it counting against their holiday or sick leave, as long as it doesn’t interfere with time-critical projects and is approved by their manager.
A policy that establishes monthly sessions for team members with external mentors. The sessions aim to provide support, facilitate realistic workplanning, and offer an external perspective on team dynamics. Annual appraisals and anti-oppression meetings are also conducted by mentors. Confidentiality is maintained with three clear exceptions.
In Autonomic, we make decisions collectively, while also attempting to empower autonomous action by individual workers. We designed our decision making process using decision making tools we had experienced through participation in various horizontal organisations. We hope this tool is useful to others in the struggle for a better world.
This is a sick leave policy for a small collective with limited funds. On average, for each 10 days of work, you have the right to one paid sick day. However, we have decided to pool our sick days. Pooling addresses the fact that we do not all have the same health and to alleviate the stress of having “enough sick days”.
In our flat structure, we have created a “Buddy system” where each team member acts as a buddy to another. This aims to ensure that we don’t lose the good bits of management, and that we all feel supported and able to hold ourselves accountable.
The buddy system is closely related to our feedback processes which are also detailed here.
How to create a policy which supports capability rather than judging performance
How do we avoid replicating corporate doctrines of efficiency and productivity at all costs? This guide explores practical alternatives to individualised performance management processes.
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How to create a collaborative system for keeping track of how work is going
How can we create systems of accountability without hierarchy? This guide considers options for processes that assess how we are each managing in our roles and take into account wider factors when considering why work may not be being done.
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How to have a legally-compliant ‘disciplinary’ policy that doesn’t shame, blame or punish
How can progressive employers meet the legal requirements of a disciplinary policy, without embedding punitive values? This guide covers how ‘disciplinary’ situations can be treated as opportunities for learning and collective improvement.
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This policy aims to provide fair and financially secure wages for all workers. It is based on a flat rate plus uplifts, including: length of service, support for dependents, experience of marginalisation, and city weighting. It also contains an emergency waging system and fund, as well as a process for administering the policy.
This policy includes: how decisions are made in a small team, the principles that underpin them, which decisions can be made by whom, and what steps will be taken to support more equitable involvement in decisions. It is based on consensus and mandate decision-making mechanisms.
How to write a fairer, more equitable pay policy
From flat pay structures to needs based pay systems – how do we live our progressive values, meet everyone’s needs and avoid replicating the systemic inequalities of the corporate world? This guide explores the tricky topic of pay.
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How to design a supportive holiday policy that balances individual with collective needs
We all need breaks from work to rest and recharge, but how do we design a holiday system with flexibility and accountability? This guide covers what you need to know about holiday policies.
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This peer review policy and procedure aims to support all employees to achieve and maintain their maximum (reasonable) contribution to their role at the project. It’s an opportunity for all employee members to have time to reflect on their role, to think about how their work is going and what the issues are. It’s a chance to have someone else engage with their job, listen to them and support them with anything they need help with, and to grow and develop within the role.
A template agenda for a regular group meeting which aims to offer: a deeper check-in on the experience of being in the group / space to raise issues and “have awkward chats”/ space to reflect together on our work, and our direction. This template is structured to help manage tensions and differences and to surface areas for improvement, but not to address significant conflict.
A comprehensive digital rights-based website privacy policy with detailed information about what and how site users details will be used, including by partners. Includes: user rights, text on organisational refusal to share personal data with authorities and how to have your data deleted.
The accountability agreement is a code of behaviour that all club members agree to adhere to and embrace on joining the club… we outline suggested consequences for members who have caused harm, based on current working practices. You can use these as guidance in how to engage with a person who has caused harm, depending on what has happened. You should work to these regardless of whether this person is a member, a working volunteer, or guest.
A policy to address the medium-to-long term impacts of Long COVID (and other types of chronic illness and disability) and outlines organisational processes for supporting staff affected, in a way which is aligned with disability justice and the needs of a small staff team to continue to work in a sustainable way.
We have high expectations of how we behave towards one another, and we hold each other accountable to those expectations. This policy has two sides: the culture of care that we are proactively building, and the culture of accountability that is reactively implemented. Includes: definitions of accountability and care, 3-step process for addressing harm and intro to transformative justice principles.
This is a youth work cooperative safeguarding policy, accessible for a range of members, which avoids resorting to calling state authorities, unless the group’s safeguarding contacts are not available. Designed by an organisation with a mix of paid and voluntary youth workers, some of whom are adults and some are young people, too. Safety is supported via collective dialogue between youth workers.
A meeting template and policy description for a small workers’ cooperative to improve communication, surface and address tensions or conflicts that exist amongst the group. It’s about making space for the kinds of conversations around group needs and dynamics that are easily side-lined.
A consolidation of policies to support workers’ rights and wellbeing, for a large membership-led activist organisation/union. It includes: Sickness policy, Parental Leave, Carers and compassionate leave, Time off in lieu and overwork, Additional leave, Trade union recognition, Staff access to counselling or other support, Annual leave, Pension contribution, Staff absence planning, and Parent and carer subsidy.
How to create non-punitive grievance procedures which deepen our understanding of each other
What does it mean to raise a grievance? This guide covers ways to create grievance procedures that hear different perspectives while avoiding shame and blame, so that we can strengthen rather than corrode the bonds between us.
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