
Resources from the RadHR Core Team

Workshop resources

Here are some free-to-use workshop plans and materials…

Prioritising policies bull’s eye

Have you just got a new grant and realised you need to show your funder a pile of policies you don’t have? Have you pulled on the thread of a suddenly-urgent parental leave or conflict policy, and realised there are a half-dozen more that are also pressing?

Prioritising policies

Feeling overwhelmed by the number of internal policies and processes your group needs to create? Unsure where to start with it all?

Adapting policies

So you found a policy in the RadHR Library that does most of what you think your group needs—what next?

Facilitated workshops

As well as sharing free workshop plans and materials, the RadHR core team can facilitate these workshops (plus an Introduction to Radical HR) for your group, helping ensure that everyone is able to contribute and everyone’s voices are heard.

We ask for a contribution to the costs of running these—from groups that can afford it—on a sliding scale. We want to encourage those who might not have the budget, but are trying to do this work thoughtfully and equitably, to be able to access support, so get in touch if you’d like to request a facilitated workshop.