Member volunteer induction process

A simple 1-page process guide to support a newer member to get involved in a particular working group within the organisation. It aims to provide clarity for members looking to get involved in a new part of the cooperative.


  1. Policy & Process


Policy & Process

This document sets out the ways in which new member volunteers are supported through the early stages of becoming actively involved within the Class Work Project.

It exists to both ensure transparency and as a guidance tool.

  1. The member who wishes to become a member volunteer contacts or is put in contact with the Membership W/G.
  2. The Membership W/G arranges a 121 with the prospective member volunteer.
  3. At the 121 the rep from the Membership W/G presents the different long term and short term work being done by CWP. The rep will ask the perspective member volunteer (PMV):
    • i) about the work they are interested in doing
    • ii) their skills and experience.
    • iii) The time they have available.
    • iv) About anything that might hinder them doing the work, and what could be put in place to support them.
  4. The prospective member and the W/G rep will come to a joint decision about which working group the PMV will join until the end of the ¼. 
  5. The Membership W/G rep will send an email to the relevant W/G co-ordinator, cc’ing the PMV. The email will introduce the PMV to the W/G co-ordinator, including the work they are interested in doing and their time available. The rep will give the W/G co-ordinator a week to respond, if there is no response the Membership W/G will contact the W/G co-ordinator to prompt them to respond. If there is no response after 2 weeks, then the issue will be raised at a Worker Members Weekly Meeting.
  6. Once the email has been responded to, the Membership W/G rep will stay in contact with the PMV via email, call or text, to check in with how they’re doing. Contact will be made at week 2, week 4, week 8, week 12, week 24, and then biannually.


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