Supervision Guide

LAST UPDATE: 19.07.23

How to create a collaborative system for keeping track of how work is going

By People Support Coop & RadHR


How can we create systems of accountability without hierarchy? This guide considers options for processes that assess how we are each managing in our roles and take into account wider factors when considering why work may not be being done.

Practical suggestions to design supportive supervision and review systems that boost collective accountability. 

Section 1:

What’s wrong with standard supervision & review systems?

What are the pitfalls inherent in mainstream (hierarchical) supervision and review systems?

Section 2:

Peer supervision

An alternative understanding of peer supervision outside of hierarchical line management. Plus, how to build mutual understanding to create a system of collective accountability.

Section 3:

Probationary periods

An overview of what’s needed to create a fair and transparent system to actively support new employees through a probationary period.

Section 4:

Annual review systems

Do we need an annual review system? We present the common pitfalls and outline a number of alternatives to annual reviews. 

Sections 5:


The importance of giving and receiving feedback in creating a co-operative and caring environment. 

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