What kinds of group policies and processes can support our comrades and communities impacted by the current wave of British fascism?
The far-right violence taking place across the UK right now is terrifying. We know that it is likely to be particularly distressing for migrant and POC members of our communities who are being targeted. We know that this violence is not new, that street violence is only the most visible form of the racist undercurrents that have always shaped British society, and we don’t want that to diminish the specific threats that more and more people are experiencing right now.
We want to express our solidarity with everyone facing and resisting this new wave of hate. We don’t want to try and insert ourselves into parts of this struggle that we are not well-placed to be a part of. We do feel there are aspects of this moment where we might be able to offer useful support:
1. Making internal policies and processes available for groups that are realising how much they need them to support one another during this crisis point.
There are a range of important policies and processes that might be useful to frontline groups right now, but that many won’t have sufficient time or headspace to think through.
These could be around flexible leave policies for staff who are impacted directly or indirectly by the kinds of violence that we have seen on the streets recently. Or wellbeing policies. They could be about collective absence planning. They could be about staff counselling subsidies. They could be meeting structures that give people the space to talk about things that are feeling difficult. They could also be about support for staff and members to get involved in migrant rights actions and anti-racist protests themselves, knowing that the organisation will have their backs.
If you have other policies to share, that are helping those you work and organise with to feel supported and take a stand during this time, please share them in the RadHR Library and we’ll do our best to get them online ASAP and update this blog, so others can put them to use.
2. Offering free facilitation support for groups feeling the sharp end of the current clashes, to figure out internal policy and process questions.
We realise that many groups will be too overwhelmed with the immediate day to day needs that are surfacing for many communities, as threats of violence have escalated. That said, we also know that there are times where being supported to step back in a crisis and figure out what you need to work sustainably, can be critical.
We are a very small team, so we can’t promise to meet all the requests that come in, but if your group is feeling stretched by the current mess and feel like some facilitated support to work on your internal systems could be helpful, email us.
And if you are encouraging your colleagues or community to take a stand on the street, check this post from Netpol on Instagram about how to prepare for an anti-fascist counter-protest.
Comment on our forum: community.radhr.org