How do we avoid replicating corporate doctrines of efficiency and productivity at all costs? This guide explores practical alternatives to individualised performance management processes.
How can we create systems of accountability without hierarchy? This guide considers options for processes that assess how we are each managing in our roles and take into account wider factors when considering why work may not be being done.
How can progressive employers meet the legal requirements of a disciplinary policy, without embedding punitive values? This guide covers how 'disciplinary' situations can be treated as opportunities for learning and collective improvement.
From flat pay structures to needs based pay systems - how do we live our progressive values, meet everyone’s needs and avoid replicating the systemic inequalities of the corporate world? This guide explores the tricky topic of pay.
We all need breaks from work to rest and recharge, but how do we design a holiday system with flexibility and accountability? This guide covers what you need to know about holiday policies.
What does it mean to raise a grievance? This guide covers ways to create grievance procedures that hear different perspectives while avoiding shame and blame, so that we can strengthen rather than corrode the bonds between us.
What happens if someone goes on long-term sickness absence or is frequently absent? This guide shares practical suggestions to help you develop a compassionate and supportive sickness policy guided by disability justice thinking.